Thursday, December 6, 2012

An Ounce of Gold Will Be $800 Before $2500

A few points on my position:

First, in my estimation, over the next ten years gold will be a sound investment. Second, silver is not the equivalent of a cheaper gold, but should actually be considered an industrial metal, similar to copper, and thus avoided and even sold short. Third, I believe current U.S. economic policy is just staving off the inevitable economic collapse that has been foreshadowed by the downturn in 2008 and 2009.

Long story, short: faith in fiat currency will return, and soon.

The current economic situation feels all too familiar, and it's not for any good reasons. The Euro-zone is on the brink of economic collapse, the U.S. government is days away from being $16 trillion in the hole, and the Bush tax-cuts set to expire. Any semblance of a broad economic confidence in which businesses expand workforces, banks lend money, and consumers spend money is fading. Contrary to all the news-talk of a "recovery," the probability of an already fragile U.S. economy slipping into a new recession is still increasing each day.

Now, based on these reasons, one would think gold and precious metal demand would be on the rise, and thus, resulting higher prices for metals. Although rational, this is probably not going to be the case. For the past three months, gold and silver have been flat with a negative price bias. Only over the past week has gold moved more than a percent intraday in either direction. While the current move does seem to be higher, and I do anticipate this continuing in the very near term, this is more than likely just a head-fake and a prime opportunity to short the metals for a more extended decline.

Recent reports from the governments of China and India have disclosed declining gold purchases. While this usually wouldn't be cause for concern in "normal" economic times, these easily overlooked reports should be considered a warning sign to those who have become accustomed to the "gold price floor" of the last five years.

Next, and possibly the most important according to the market, the Eurozone leaders are showing a united front in keeping the economic union together, capitalizing banks, and protecting the economically lesser member nations. Even going a step further, hints of the Eurozone leaders considering political unionization are on the rise.

So, what does this mean for us? First, it means a false sense of confidence returning, at least for the next six months to two year time frame. What does this mean for trade positioning? Being long the Euro over the next six months, at least until 1.35/USD, and short gold and silver is a prudent strategy.

Keep in mind, we are always trying to be positioned properly for the six month time horizon, and planning our next six month period. Over the next two years, the black swan will emerge in Europe (and possibly here depending on monetary and fiscal policy in the first term of the next U.S. presidency) and the inevitable downward price adjustment will occur. Until 2014, there is much money to be made by playing emotions.

How to Know Where to Buy Gold   What It Means to Start Investing in Gold   Guidelines For Investments In Silver   Buying World Coins With Confidence - (Do You Desire More Information on the Coins You Love?)   Do You Own Mint Packaged or Graded Coins? China Is Producing Knock-Offs of These Too   

Gold Price $3,500 To $5,000 - Within 1-1/2 Years

Money printing from the world's central banks will all need to come together as one, to prevent the major economies of the world from imploding. Events such as high unemployment world-wide could be a trigger to set off the printing presses. One sharp example here is unemployment numbers. Within many countries real unemployment rates are 25% with 50% for youths.

In America if you are not misguided by the main stream media and the governments "official unemployment estimates, you would find real unemployment within America at 23 percent. Alone, these statics suggest a ready made recipe for an economic global disaster. Currently it seems the world is not yet suffering enough high unemployment to cause the central bank printing presses to go berserk.

Once the trigger event happens all the central banks will ban together and let the printing presses run non-stop. The excessive buildup in the worlds currency supply will be enormous compared to the already enormous over-supply of currency already in existence. Inflation will mount tremendously and in the end, allow currencies all over the world to collapse. By now, a huge on-rush of gold buying will occur, regardless of its market price.

Here is the Kicker!

These huge banks, including the central banks don't have the gold reserves in their vaults that they claim. In no way could they satisfy their gold commitments should they be demanded too. While the Fed claims to have almost 8,000 tons of gold in their vaults and the IMF 3,000 tons chances are extremely high these two banking entities hold far less than what they claim.

Bottom-line this will become a problem. A problem that will generate a loss of confidence in the currencies. Once this happens people will be rushing in to buy gold regardless of its price. An important note here to understand; "A loss of confidence in a currency in the end, destroys it". This has happened with every fiat currency ever created throughout history. It is absolutely plausible to see the gold price rising between $3500 to $5,000 within the next 12 to 18 months.

Currently the silver/gold ratio could be at its top 58-59:1 and start falling once again. Silver in the end, still is poised to outperform gold. Silver within the next several months should take-off and start to approach its $50.00 highs. Within the next 12-18 months silver will be reaching far higher. Looking further ahead it's plausibly to see the gold price at $10,000 an ounce with silver following the ride up.

In the end, where just about any asset class imaginable is going to disintegrate, hard assets such as physical gold and silver will be two of the last men standing. The key is to hold physical gold and silver (no paper assets such as gold or silver futures or ETF's) outside the world's banking systems where there is no counter-party risk of any kind.

Tom Genot -

How to Know Where to Buy Gold   What It Means to Start Investing in Gold   Guidelines For Investments In Silver   Buying World Coins With Confidence - (Do You Desire More Information on the Coins You Love?)   Do You Own Mint Packaged or Graded Coins? China Is Producing Knock-Offs of These Too   

Avoid This Pitfall When Financing Your Coin Collection (Have You Made This Mistake Yet?)

Coin collecting is a fun, rewarding, and even profitable pursuit when done correctly. However, there are circumstances when it can have a chokehold on your finances and make life less enjoyable than it could be. There are many ways to purchase your beloved coins, but here is one snake you really don't want to get too close to.

Use credit cards sparingly Credit cards are so easy and convenient to use, that they also become easy to abuse. Many people don't know what interest their credit cards are charging and give little thought to it. It seems inconsequential on a month-to-month basis.

Credit card interest is almost always double digit and double digit interest compounds quickly. True, coins are an asset whereas most credit card purchases are liabilities, so at least you aren't losing from that aspect. But the interest paid on the card can easily outrun any appreciation you may get from the coin value.

Most coin dealers make you pay cash for gold and silver coins. That's good for me. That way I can see exactly how much the coin is costing at the time I purchase it. However, if that cash could have been used to pay down credit card purchases, the cash purchase is about as good as buying it on credit.

Get rid of the consumer debt and buy with cash. If you do need to borrow for a coin, get a loan that's single digit interest and not with the credit card. If you do use a credit card, pay it off every month, or as soon as you can.

The best way to manage coin purchases is by budgeting for them. Determine what you can reasonable afford to spend on coins and maintain your desired lifestyle at the same time. Then stick to the budget!

I have been willing to give up a lot to own coins, so they become a large part of my budget. I have also learned the value of planning and waiting for the right coin. I don't need them all right now, though that's how it feels a lot of times.

There is a freedom in being without debt That freedom is something more appreciated when you've felt the bondage that being over-extended can have on you. I love my coins, but I think I love my freedom from bondage more. Now, I practice self-restraint in my coin purchases. I use the word "practice" because sometimes I fail.

If you're in this situation 1. Sit down and figure your monthly living expenses. Then allow as much as you can for repayment of double digit debt. Be sure to allow some funds for coin purchases during this time, so you can survive the month. 2. Don't go where you're the weakest to spending, when you need to pay off debt. 3. Post reminders of why you're doing this activity and the rewards for staying the course. 4. Make payoff milestones and reward yourself when you meet them.

How to Know Where to Buy Gold   What It Means to Start Investing in Gold   Guidelines For Investments In Silver   Buying World Coins With Confidence - (Do You Desire More Information on the Coins You Love?)   

Investing in Silver - A Smart Move

Over the years, silver has always played second fiddle to gold. Considered a lucky metal to hold by some, silver may now be set to become lucky for its holders. Adding silver to an investment portfolio now, could see huge gains for its owners in the future.

Previously, when inflationary pressures were aloof, holding gold was always seen by investors as the best option to counter those pressures. However, gold has seen huge price hikes over the last few years, and now has become out of reach for many of those investors.

Silver is remarkably similar to gold, although with one big difference. It is a precious metal the same as gold, and is used for both jewellery and industrial purposes in the same way. But unlike gold, 95% of the worldwide silver that has been extracted, does not exist any more.

Gold has always been seen as an investment metal, with most of it being melted down into bullion bars, coins and jewellery, etc. Only a small percentage of it has actually been used for industrial purposes. Where as with silver, only a small percentage of it has been used for the production of jewellery, silverware, coins and bullion bars, etc. and 95% of it, has been used for industrial purposes.

Silver has been used for many years within the ever disposable electronics industry. It has been used as an essential material in the production of products such as computers, mobile phones, televisions and batteries etc. For even longer, silver has been used within the car industries and machinery industries.

As all types of technologies advance, old systems that become obsolete get thrown away. Fashion conscious beings also find the need to change at a whim everything that goes out of fashion, resulting in these products not existing any more, along with the silver that was used within them.

All of these factors have put pressure on the silver supply chain, which in turn have created a problem that could be difficult to deal with. Silver has become more difficult to find, and even more expensive to extract. Industry demands for the metal have also risen fast, which have all contributed to a situation where a future silver supply shortage could exist.

Although the world may have experienced these types of precious metal shortages before, this time, the silver is no longer there to be extracted. And with the silver that has been discarded over the years no longer available for re-use either, all points to a prominent hike in the price of silver over the next few years or so. Something that could make investing now, a smart move for the future.

How to Know Where to Buy Gold   What It Means to Start Investing in Gold   Guidelines For Investments In Silver   Buying World Coins With Confidence - (Do You Desire More Information on the Coins You Love?)   Do You Own Mint Packaged or Graded Coins? China Is Producing Knock-Offs of These Too   

Why Invest In Gold: How Will GLD Stock Help?

Wise investors all over the world know the significance of making wise investments in GLD stock. Nevertheless, along with great profits it also involves some risk factor. With adequate research and appropriate understanding, you too can manage to make more money with your investment and, with today's world of economic crisis, this can be an option for succeeding. Here are some reasons why investing in GLD stock will be beneficial.

1. Global Currency Degradation:

As you all know we are in the early age of global currency debasement which means that all the tangibles and especially gold will rise considerably in price and hence, buying GLD stock now will be wise.

2. The Accelerating Investment Demand for Gold:

Soon, the majority of the people will see the global currency degradation and eventually, they will strive for other alternatives which will further increase magnificent room for creating huge investment demand for gold and hence, keeping this in mind GLD stock which is a part of the gold ETFs (gold exchange traded funds) have been designed.Although many may consider that the price of gold to be unstable in the short - term yet it cannot be ignored that gold has known to maintain its value in the long - term. It can be considered as a significant part of a more diversified investment case.

3. Drastic Increase in the Inflation:

Everybody is aware of the dramatic increase in the money supply which has sprouted all over the world including the US. This is another reason why investing in gold stock market and buying GLD stocks will be a good idea as gold has always known to be a hedge against inflation. The five years after the World War II, are considered to be the highest inflation years in the US history. A soothing fact is that in those five years the return on stocks was much higher. Hence, investing in gold during inflation will make you feel like the nobles of the ancient times.

4. Gold as Money, as currency:

With the rapid investments made in the GOLD Dinar, time will not be far when gold will be used as money. This is a major asset that has increasing intrinsic value.

5. The Growing Population of Gold:

The accumulation of gold in the developing countries have seemed to rise enormously compared to previous years which creates higher demands in the GLD stock market. For instance, in China, the gold demand is expected to rise drastically in the next few years.

How to Know Where to Buy Gold   What It Means to Start Investing in Gold   Guidelines For Investments In Silver   Buying World Coins With Confidence - (Do You Desire More Information on the Coins You Love?)   Do You Own Mint Packaged or Graded Coins? China Is Producing Knock-Offs of These Too   

Should You Buy Gold Coins From Online Stores or From Banks?

Gold coins are a good investment as they not only help you to save your money, but also allow you to earn from your savings. You can buy gold coins either from online stores or purchase them from banks and other financial institutions.

Numerous online jewellery stores have sprung up on the internet in the recent past. As these e-stores have a comparatively less investment and more competition than physical stores, they offer gold coins at very low price. Moreover, most e-stores have a national or international presence, which means that they can provide more choice at less cost. Web jewellery stores offer both 22 karats and 24 karats gold coins that you can choose from depending on your budget. Moreover, these coins come with engravings of popular Gods, Goddess and saints. Some e-stores offer special collector coins with the image of great personalities engraved on them. If you are someone who would love to add them to your collection, then it will be a good offer for you. The downside of buying on the internet is that you cannot verify the quality and design of the coin till you pay for it. Though many e-stores have a good exchange policy, sending a coin back to the store may prove to be even more difficult than buying it on the first place.

Banks, on the other hand, are reputable institutions where you can trust your money. There are many nationalised banks that offer 24 karat gold coins at low price and you can take advantage of this opportunity to invest your money. You can also be assured of the quality of the gold you are receiving from the bank. The best part is that you can get to see and touch the coin before you pay for it. The downside in buying gold coins from here is that like all institutions, the whole process may involve a number of form fillings and could take up a lot of your precious time. Coins offered at banks may generally feature engravings of the logo or symbol of the financial institution, which means you hardly have designs to choose from.

In this fast-paced lifestyle, when everyone wants to finish their work in just a few minutes, online shopping could be a real life saver. Whether you buy gold coins from online stores or from banks depends on how much time you can spare and on the reliability of the place from where you plan to purchase.

How to Know Where to Buy Gold   What It Means to Start Investing in Gold   Guidelines For Investments In Silver   Buying World Coins With Confidence - (Do You Desire More Information on the Coins You Love?)   Do You Own Mint Packaged or Graded Coins? China Is Producing Knock-Offs of These Too   

GLD Chart: A Way to Get Substantial Information

When you are interested in gold stocks and want to invest in them, you need to know about the market rate of gold. The same thing is applicable in the case of gold coins and bullion. If you are not aware of the price of the gold then, investing will not be easy and if you somehow invest, that will not be very wise. It is always important to gather all possible information about something which you want to deal with. Gold is one of the most precious metals in the world and its price is very fluctuating. The price is changing almost every day. If the market is unstable then the price can change every hour.

In short, it is very important to keep an eye on the price of gold. The only problem is how you can check the price? With internet everything has become quite easier than before. So, you can try various websites and follow the ever changing price of gold. The GLD chart will prove really helpful in this matter. From the name it is quite clear that it is a chart which projects the price of the gold. Various financial websites are creating and providing this chart for their clients and investors. Keeping an eye on the chart will help you to get a peek in the situation of the market.

If you are thinking how gold chart can provide you an idea about the market, then you have to delve a little deeper. In most of the countries gold reserve is the most powerful part of the economy. The financial power and situation of a country depends on the amount of gold in their reserve. The international market is also regulated by gold. So, with the changing price of gold, the financial state of a country also changes. The experienced investors can understand the state of the market by looking at the gold chart for once.

If you can read the situation of the market or if you are training yourself for this matter, then deciphering the GLD chart is very important. Looking at this chart may reveal more information to you than all the news, articles and newsletters that you can get from a financial site. You can get the latest updates in the chart if you want and you can also get the chart that has covered the gold rates for last 30 years. The best part is, you will get completely relevant and unbiased information from this chart.

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IRA Gold Investments and Its Fruitful Returns

There are many retirement options that you can consider to make sure that you still have a steady flow of income even if you are no longer working. With so many retirement investments to choose from, you might as well look for the most secure forms of investments in the market. Nothing is more stable than making a gold investment.

Having gold in IRA account is more stable than acquiring a traditional IRA simply because gold is a crisis commodity that never dies out. Because of gold's influence, IRA gold Investment has become a very rewarding source of income for most investors. With the fluctuating status of the economy, retirement plans eventually become older and less reliable thus investors can only enjoy limited amounts of profit and still be worried if they can still be financially secure. For this very reason, many have been pursuing IRA gold investment. Gold in IRA account is relatively easy to use and decreases the chances of your investments to crumble when the economy is not doing so well.

There are many options that are available for eager investors who want to pursue IRA gold investment.

Tangible gold viable for investments may come in the form of gold bars, certificates and bullion coins that can be considered expensive but can be used as a safe investment plan that can cater to the financial needs of many individuals.

Since gold has a very high intrinsic value due to its beauty and rarity, it is no surprise that many people from all parts of the world consider this as the most cherished resource. The fact that this metal is rare makes it all the more powerful to withstand the effects of economic crisis and political uproar. With a IRA gold investment to rely on your future is guaranteed secure.

An IRA gold investment allows you to move in and out of your own gold stocks without needing to pay for the capital gains tax. This is a very important benefit for any investor who wishes to trade his gold stocks. If you wish to make a huge profit out of gold IRA investments, you need to be on a lookout for the rise and fall of the value of gold. The price of gold constantly fluctuates and when the price becomes cheap, investors take advantage of this to buy gold for investments. Consequently they can sell the gold at a much higher price when the demand for gold would eventually increase.

As with any other forms of investments, golden investments also need to be carefully thought out. Planning carefully could mean the difference between gaining a huge amount of income or dealing with overwhelming loss. While there are many eager gold dealers out there who buy and sell gold, not all of them are reliable and legit. You will have to check for the gold dealer's credibility to make sure all transactions that will be made are legit and profitable. Moreover dealing with reliable gold dealers and other investors will help you acquire the profits you deserve for all the time, money and effort you have put in.

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9 Tips for Financing Your Coin Collection, So You Acquire More Coins in Less Time

If you buy your coins at a reasonable price and aren't getting completely ripped off by an unscrupulous seller, in the long run coin collecting will be a lucrative pursuit. Family members may argue that your coin purchases have eaten into their fun account, or lowered their standard of living however.

There are many reasons to buy coins, and all of them are valid.

1. Purchase what coins you can afford every month. Determine a budget that you can reasonably afford for your coins, without losing balance in your life activities. It takes a lot of self-discipline, but keep all purchases within your budget. (Yeah sure).

2. Get as many credit cards as you can, and let the credit card companies buy your coins for you. This is productive debt, not consumer debt. It's like you're spending the money for assets, not things that depreciate. Transfer your unpaid balances to other cards often.

3. Refinance your house and use the equity for stellar coin purchases. The worse part of this plan is when the money runs out. Until then however, what a thrill to get some really expensive coins for your collection.

4. Get another job whose goal is to support your coin habit. Success comes before work only in the dictionary. This will help you appreciate your new purchases and not go into debt for them. (A noble objective).

5. Get some sources of passive income though a business or rental property. (One of the best means for supporting your habit). Passive income is great, because you don't have to actively work for it. There are many books and articles on creating passive income.

6. Sell property you are no longer using, and put the money into coins instead. I have vintage cars I've considered selling for some coins, because coins don't take the storage space or upkeep. I have sold many articles of property I no longer use in trade for coins to enjoy.

7. Get a personal, unsecured line of credit from a bank or credit union. The interest isn't as high as credit card, which may allow for a few more purchases.

8. Get a Home Equity Line of Credit from a bank. The interest rates are low, since your house secures the credit. Depending on the equity in your home, you can get a sizeable loan of this type.

9. In the long run, you can sell some of the less desirable coins in order to acquire new, more important coins for your collection. I think eventually most collectors will do this.

I'm sure there are many other creative ways to support your coin purchases. The important thing is to enjoy your pursuit and not have the bondage of debt ruining your coin collecting or your lifestyle in general.

How to Know Where to Buy Gold   What It Means to Start Investing in Gold   Guidelines For Investments In Silver   Buying World Coins With Confidence - (Do You Desire More Information on the Coins You Love?)   Do You Own Mint Packaged or Graded Coins? China Is Producing Knock-Offs of These Too   

Case for Gold Dinar Idea

I refer to the letter "Gold dinar impractical" (The Star, July 6) where Goh Hoe Hoe of Penang argued that the gold dinar initiative by the Kelantan government as impractical. From an economic reasoning this would be true so long the legal tender law stands. The paper notes would drive the gold and silver coins out of circulation, known as Gresham's Law in economics. However given the current global monetary and economic crisis faced by the world, significantly due to the effects of the dollar and euro crises, it is worthwhile to give the gold dinar idea some consideration. The matter is not of the concept but rather how to implement it.

Many are of the understanding that the gold dinar initiative calls for every transaction to be carried out using gold or silver coins. This, of course, is impractical. However, this can be easily overcome if, as some point out, gold and silver are correctly used as measures of value in economic and business transactions. Hence the electronic media and the internet should be heavily used in the gold-silver system in order to minimize the use of physical coins. It is more of a netting process, very much as in the bilateral and multilateral payment arrangements.

The implementation of the gold-silver money should go simultaneously with the fiat money system so that the public is given a choice. People should be given the freedom to choose their money without any one being forced to accept one kind of money over others.

It's a kind of barter trade as Mr Goh puts it, but it would not face problems normally associated with barter because the precious metals would play the role of money. Rather the system would be fair because it exchanges value for value. The problem with fiat money is that it gives unfair benefit to its first user - a strong reason for the criminality of counterfeiting notes or coins. Notwithstanding this, commercial banks, that are mostly privately owned, are given the right to create money out of thin air through the fractional reserve banking system.

With electronic payment systems of today, the divisibility problem would not arise. It is possible to transfer even 0.001gm of gold or silver between accounts, which are about 16 sen and 0.003 sen respectively. In the classical system, the copper coins, i.e. the fulus, played the role for such small transactions. The stability of the value of gold and silver over long periods of time and as hedge against inflation has been much proven in academic research.

At the international level, such gold-linking would bring about a just, stable and sustainable monetary and economic system. Even foreign exchange risk would disappear. Indeed many economists are of the view that it's the removal of the gold link in 1971 that brought about the demise of the Bretton Woods, as the root cause of the present dollar and euro crisis that is threatening the world with hyperinflation and serious recession.

Accordingly, in 2010 the former President of the World Bank, Robert Zoellick, called for major world economies to consider adopting a global reserve currency based on gold as part of structural reforms to the world's foreign exchange regime. Indeed, much earlier in 1997, Nobel Laureate Robert A. Mundell predicted gold's return as international monetary unit in this century. Nonetheless, it is important to note that gold money is not in the interest of the banking system and some political quarters, because it denies them the right to create money out of thin air as they enjoy it now.

Accounting and tax issues are a matter of modifying existing rules and regulations. After all even today central banks do sometimes settle among themselves in gold.

Hence the impracticality argument for gold dinar is not of concept but rather of will and method of its implementation.

How to Know Where to Buy Gold   What It Means to Start Investing in Gold   Guidelines For Investments In Silver   Buying World Coins With Confidence - (Do You Desire More Information on the Coins You Love?)   Do You Own Mint Packaged or Graded Coins? China Is Producing Knock-Offs of These Too   

The Importance of Coin Grading: Is This Something You Need to Be Concerned With in Your Collection?

It is easy to learn the basics of coin grading through books and photographs, but it is very difficult to master. Most people can learn the 0-58 coin range easily enough, and can assess a coin fairly accurately in that area. Very few can master the Mint State range 60 through 70.

I certainly haven't learned the fine details of coin grading. I've sent off coins to be graded and had all come back a far lower than I expected. In fact, most coins I thought would be MS 65 or MS 66 came back AU58. With my closest scrutiny and comparing them to the photographs and verbal descriptions, they still look perfect to me.

Some would come back as MS 61 or MS 62 that still fit the description of MS 65 or MS 66, in my opinion. The grading companies never explain their reasoning for the number assigned, so the owner never knows why the coin was given the score it was. I imagine if grading companies allowed a score to be disputed by the coin owner, all they would be doing is disputing their grades.

There are cases where the same coins were submitted to both NGC and PCGS and they came back with differing scores, with PCGS tending to be a little stricter in their evaluation of the coin. Also, graded coins have been broken out of their capsules and resubmitted to the same grading service. They routinely come back a slightly different grade. Great if the score goes up, bad if it goes down.

I am also aware that grading standards have gotten stricter in the last few years. A coin graded in the 80's, if resubmitted today would certainly come back two or three points lower now. Grading standards are not precise and are open to interpretation by the grader.

The numerical grading system implies a scientific process for scoring to a single standard. In the end, people are making a subjective evaluation of the coin and people don't often see the same coin the same way. Third party grading services say that two or more graders must reach consensus about the score before the coin is slabbed with its final grade assigned to it.

Computer grading has been tried on a number of occasions but for some reason has never caught on or become accepted in the marketplace. I suspect computers will be used in coin grading as better programs are developed.

The more potentially valuable the coin, the more important it is to have it evaluated by a third party. As subjective as grading seems to be, it is still nice to have validation regarding a coin's condition when buying it. As far as my personal coins go, I found they ALL scored lower than I thought they would.

How to Know Where to Buy Gold   What It Means to Start Investing in Gold   Guidelines For Investments In Silver   Buying World Coins With Confidence - (Do You Desire More Information on the Coins You Love?)   Do You Own Mint Packaged or Graded Coins? China Is Producing Knock-Offs of These Too   

Cash for Dental Gold

When people think of sending in items to cash for gold companies, the items that come to mind are often pieces of jewellery such as rings, bracelets, necklaces, chains, watches, earrings and cufflinks. Most of the gold owned by priv

How to Know Where to Buy Gold   What It Means to Start Investing in Gold   Guidelines For Investments In Silver   Buying World Coins With Confidence - (Do You Desire More Information on the Coins You Love?)   Do You Own Mint Packaged or Graded Coins? China Is Producing Knock-Offs of These Too   

Four, No, Five Characteristics Of A Better Way To Buy And Store Precious Metals Offshore And On

There is no shortage of companies offering to sell you precious metals, most notably gold and silver. Some will also offer you platinum and palladium, but not that many.

Often these companies are selling you an interest in a pooled account where you have a claim against the company instead of actual segregated precious metals, but many do offer a true allocated system that is audited for your protection.

Unfortunately, very few of these companies offer you these four important account characteristics.

First, the opportunity to buy specific sovereign coins like Eagles, Maple Leafs, and similar known, accepted bullion pieces; not just grams or ounces of a larger bar too large for you to buy alone that is shared with others.

Second, are you offered the chance to have your specific, allocated precious metals delivered to you either at the time you buy them or at some future date chosen by you. Naturally, if the gold or other precious metal you own is part of a larger bar that is shared with others, this will certainly not be an option offered to you.

Third, we all know we can buy and sell gold and silver, either in person or online. The question is, do you feel like you are on an uneven playing field with more wealthy investors and institutions taking advantage of you? The preferred option is to leverage the collective buying power of an alliance to obtain lower prices when buying metals and higher prices when selling.

Fourth, the current - and future - global financial crisis and instability requires diversification. Having some of your precious metals delivered to you while others may be stored in your home country with another portion of gold stored overseas makes a lot of sense. The ideal company you choose to do business with needs to offer all of these options and at prices you can afford to pay.

Yet another important factor when choosing what company to buy and sell gold, silver and other precious metals from, and to optionally store them with, is what kind of support they offer you from real live people.

Do you really want to deal with a company who only staffs their limited phone lines eight hours per day and, oh by the way, they are half way around the world from you - open only while you sleep?

If you agree that times like these require a geographically diversified precious metals portfolio allocation then now is the time to take action.

How to Know Where to Buy Gold   What It Means to Start Investing in Gold   Guidelines For Investments In Silver   Buying World Coins With Confidence - (Do You Desire More Information on the Coins You Love?)   Do You Own Mint Packaged or Graded Coins? China Is Producing Knock-Offs of These Too   

How to Sell Coins on eBay

Being the world largest market place, eBay attracts millions buyers every day. It doesn't matter you are a coin dealer or only a collector want to downsize your collection, eBay is always a good place to get your coins sold. However, it's not as easy as list and collect money. You need to be prepared to get your coins sold at good value.

1. Buy at eBay before you sell on eBay. You need to know how eBay works, and the experience about buying.

2. Don't believe those feedback tricks. Some people will spread some tricks on how to gain feedback quick like sell eBooks, buy cheap items and so on. However, this will not work; at least will not work well. Most people will check your profile before they buy something from you, and of course they know the difference between feedback from sellers and from buyers. If you are interested in coin collecting, focus on this. It's fine you buy or sell some other items but most of them should from your main interests.

3. Take a good photo. It's difficult to take clear image of coins so some collector just use the picture from mint or dealers. You may already broken the copy right of the image and in big trouble. Even though not, that's still not good. A photo of the coin you are selling is very important. A picture says thousand words. Check the fee structure of eBay and decide how many picture you can put on a listing. At the time of writing, eBay allows you add 12 pictures for free so take advantage of it.

4. Choose a good title. The first picture and title are what the buyer can see from the search list. Include important details in title.

5. Choose the correct category. EBay allows you to list in two or more different categories but this will involve extra charge.

6. Include as much as details in description. Use bond font or different colours to highlight important texts. If the eBay description builder is not enough for you, you can use HTML codes. You need to include any flaws or shortcomings of the item in description.

7. Decide auction or buy it now. If you are unsure about the market price, you can put it to auction and specify the starting price. This will protect you from selling it on a low price which you don't want to sell. If you know the price well and want to sell quick, buy it now is the better option.

8. Decide the delivery fee you need to charge. Go to the website of Australia Post to see how much you need to post it. Remember only charge the real postage plug package. Provide multiple options for buyers to choose.

9. Answer questions from buyers quickly and accurately. The questions are not always from buyers, however, you can't risk lost a potential buyer. Also, a good seller is built from good service.

10. Never try to bid your own coins. It's against the eBay policy and you are risking the suspension of your account.

11. The best and fastest payment option is PayPal though certain fees will be involved. However, do provide more options for buyers don't have credit card or don't have a PayPal account.

12. Allow buyer to return item if they are not satisfied with it. No buyer can trust a seller not promised to accept return. Allow 14 days return if you can. Of course you can ask buyer to pay the delivery fee to post it back.

13. Confirm you received the payment before ship the item.

14. Post it as fast as you can after you received the payment. Yes you are allowed to have a few days before you post them but think you are the buyer, after you made the payment, you are waiting for the item and probably check your mail box everyday see is it there. So don't disappoint your buyer by late delivery if you can send it earlier. If you can't make it in time, contact buyer and explain what happened to you.

15. If your coins didn't sell, you can re-list it and if it is sold this time, your listing fee will be refund to you from eBay.

16. Offer a second chance offer if the highest bidder failed to buy it or you has extra items. You don't need to pay listing fees if the buyer accepted your second chance offer. You only need to pay final fees so it's a good way to boost your selling if it's above your price.

How to Know Where to Buy Gold   What It Means to Start Investing in Gold   Guidelines For Investments In Silver   Buying World Coins With Confidence - (Do You Desire More Information on the Coins You Love?)   Do You Own Mint Packaged or Graded Coins? China Is Producing Knock-Offs of These Too   

Counterfeit Coin Detection - 4 Ways to Initially Spot a Counterfeit Coin (and Avoid Being Taken)

The US Mint is meticulous in its craftsmanship and proud of the inherent quality of its product. The Mint treats its dies to give them characteristics that are nearly impossible to reproduce by a counterfeiter. This characteristic is called mint luster. Counterfeit coins almost always lack luster. That's where the expression lackluster came from.

1. Altering a coin with the intent to deceive is considered to be counterfeit even though the coin itself is real. There are certain popular coins to alter in order to make them more valuable. Adding or removing mint marks or date changes are the most common alterations.

Some frequently seen altered counterfeits are: 1901-S VDB Lincoln cent, 1916-D Mercury dime, 1893-S Morgan dollar, 1955 Doubled-Die Lincoln cent, 1907 St.Gaudens Double Eagle, 1804 Bust dollar, and 1856 Flying Eagle cent. If you own any of these coins check closely for alterations.

2. Often though not always, counterfeit coins have soft, undefined features. They look similar to worn coins. In fact, worn versions of valuable coins are among the more popular counterfeits. I have a coin copy that I know isn't real and to look at it, I can't easily tell the difference from a real one. There is however a perceptible difference in its weight. Fakes will usually weigh significantly lighter than the real version.

3. I would be remiss, if I didn't tell you about another infallible test. That's the magnet test. Take a strong magnet and hover it near the coin. If the coin sticks it's absolutely fake. Most counterfeiters are too smart to make their products so easily detectable, so you'll rarely find a magnetic coin. But if you do, there won't be any question about it.

4. Counterfeits rarely pass the "ring" test. A struck coin will "ring" when tapped or dropped. If you support a coin in its center with your index finger, and tap it lightly near the edge with a plastic pen or other hard object, it will produce a high pitched, sustained "tinggg". This works wonderfully for large coins such as silver dollars. It isn't useful at all, for smaller coins such as dimes.

This is the safest way to conduct the ring test on good coins that you don't want to chance denting or nicking. A low pitch "tink" immediately alerts me that all is not well with my new coin.

If a coin looks suspicious on the initial evaluation, there are more thorough visual inspections you can perform on it, as well as tests you can perform which will either positively acquit the suspect or convict it. Those tests will be covered in future articles.

How to Know Where to Buy Gold   What It Means to Start Investing in Gold   Guidelines For Investments In Silver   Buying World Coins With Confidence - (Do You Desire More Information on the Coins You Love?)   

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